About Us

“We innovate, design, develop video hardware / software technologies that connect millions of people.”


We want to capture moments in time!

We want to share moments in time!

We want to store moments in time! 

We want to secure ourselves in time! 

We want technology to be seamless to the user! 

We want technology to work! 

We want to enjoy life for now and for eternity! 

We want to democratize technology!




We develop wearable technologies that connect millions of people!




Just a handful of tekkie’s that love tech and want to make a difference in the world by creating technologies which will forever capture, transmit and store moments in time.



Coming soon to a human body near you!

Our Story

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Phasellus nec placerat eros. Quisque a odio scelerisque, consequat ante eu, suscipit dolor. Praesent pulvinar fermentum diam, sed sollicitudin est blandit ac. Maecenas commodo ante sit amet orci convallis.